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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


Well I have built a few guillows kits and scratch built a few planes. So I have a bit of experience working with balsa :) flying skills, not an issue. Good god I love how that plane looks.

Lots of difference building from a set of plans, and a Guillows kit....but I'm not saying you can't do it, and I wish you all the luck in the world!!



Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Steve, I pretty much get a stomachache after every meal with any sort of food with gluten. Had a bunch of fruit salad, and a steak. Nothing.....

EDIT: just had dinner, beef pot roast soup and a piece of bread. Instant stomacheache :(

Welcome to the club... my wife has had this problem for the last 10 years or so. Wanna read something interesting? Look up BT Toxins. We did it to ourselves by experimenting with our food supply. Nice.

Sorry to hear this.....but at least these days there are lot's of gluten free foods....

Maybe out in Cali, but not so much in Arkansas. Starting to get a couple of grocery stores that are aware of it and sell a few gluten free products, but very very few restaurants other than a couple of chain restaurants that have a gluten free menu if you ask them.


GSN Contributor
UPDATE! Next giveaway starting Oct-1, Grand Prize is a 3DHS 42" Vyper Bype!

Alright everyone, the next contest is set to start in just over 1 week, and I wanted to announce the Grand Prize will be a brand spanking new 3DHS 42" Vyper Biplane! The best part about this prize, is that anyone can win! We'll be giving away the grand prize via random drawing from all valid submissions... so each person who participates in the giveaway will have an equal chance of the Grand Prize! We'll also have a 2nd and 3rd prize awarded by a vote poll as in the last contest. Stay tuned... more to come soon.

Sorry to hear RCAddict16.....hope you adjust to your new diet...my mum has it and her mum before...but with supermarkets today you shouldn't have any problems finding products that are gluten free....