Here's my post on RCG GuerriLLa thread (I didn't wanna re-type it over again ! :veryshocked
WeLL, how long have I been complaining about my right thumb ??
opcorn: Y'all remember.....the 'how far can you bend yours' routine ?
MaTTer of fact, I asked Bonedoc for his opinion @ his going away gathering.
And, he said the joint felt 'crunchy'
After he 'manipulated' iT, iT hurt for almost 2 wEEks !
So, today, I saw my hand surgeon for a followup on the left hand surgery and I asked about doing xrays (which have never been done !) and he said...sure, lets go. Turns out, he has a clinic right there on his floor !
The xray revealed.....I do indEEd have basal joint arthritis !
And, iT's slightly dislocated !!
No worries he says......we'll fix it when I have the next surgery !!
I've placed rectangles (pictured below) over the affected joints. There's supposed to be space (cartilage fills the space) between the bones.
I wiLL advise !