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Assembly: Aeroworks QB 150cc Yak 55M

Joe Hunt

This didn't leave the spat at the same angle as the tire, but as you can see in this pic I fixed that:


Joe Hunt

It was either Mickey or Jerry that fixed it. haha But, here is how it came out:


I actually think it looks kinda cool. haha And, it is solid and totally fixes the problem with the spats. A 4-1/2" tire works with plenty of clearance, and a 5" will fit but needs a slight mod to the glass and paint on the spat. Here's the new clearance to the ground:


You're going to need that clearance if you fly on a grass runway or ever accidentally land in the grass. Looks very good, too:


Joe Hunt

Love the new Hitec's!

Yeah... with the same packs I was running with 7950s and getting four flights and then charging to FULL showing 2200mah going back in... to now running 9380s and charging after eight flights to FULL showing 800mah going back in. :O Looks like I could easily go 20 flights on these 3800 LiPos running Hitec 9380s.

Joe Hunt

Some observations:

1) the plane, she is nose heavy, just about right for precision, but maybe even a little nose heavy for that. If you're thinking about a DA-200 you definitely gotta go push/pull rudder and move everything back as far as possible. I might even have to do that. haha I taped a 5cell NiCad pack on the tailwheel and it barely helped. The plane is still way too nose heavy for me, right now. This video is of the 5th flight. I was alone and didn't figure to get any video until tomorrow (when Smok'n Joe shows up with the good cameras), but a club member showed up and took a video of this flight with my pocket camera. He hasn't done much of this before but was starting to catch on towards the end of the flight. :)

2) the servos, they are nice and draw little current, but they are their rated selves. What I'm getting at is that to me I still need two on each stab and three on each aileron... for freestyle. For precision I think a guy would be just fine with one servo per elevator half and two on the wings. That is as long as he used short servo arms and setup good mechanical advantage. Just my observations and opinions, for what little they are worth. haha

3) Even nose heavy the plane hovers and torque rolls as easy as any plane. Not all planes are easy to torque roll, and most are pretty darty when they are nose heavy. This plane is one of the really easy to torque roll planes, even when really nose heavy.

Hope to get some nice video and pictures tomorrow. :)

Joe Hunt

Oh, and 4) slows down good for landing and the wings do not want to tip... the wing tips are very stable while hovering or harriering.