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Hello from..... Calgary , Alberta

Rusty 73

I have been flying R/C planes since twelve and competiting at a high level i took twenty years off . I have recently gotten back flying Scale aerobatic plane with an interest in Imac competitions in the near future . Like the the GSN Forum and will contribute to the forum . Russell


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Rusty 73

Pawnshopmike thanks for thw welcome ..

Hi Pistolera.... thanks for the warm welcome , the 3DHS was maiden two weeks ago and flys alot crisper the my Carden .It will replace my Carden thats in the hanger for now !!!

Rcpilotacro the forum is a lot warmer ,where i am is getting older only -1c (30F) this morning.

Rusty 73

Its a picture i found on line , i believe krill models has a Extra 300sc painted just but identical to the one in my avatar .
love the colour scheme on this Extra 330sc a little hard to see when its overcast ... :joy: