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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Just picked up the pilot edge 540 a couple of hours ago at nall. @ChickenBalls picked one up also and @emtp275 picked up the extra. Very happy tonight at the camp site.:cheers:
got EM.... SON
group pilot.jpeg
Just picked up the pilot edge 540 a couple of hours ago at nall. @ChickenBalls picked one up also and @emtp275 picked up the extra. Very happy tonight at the camp site.:cheers:

Dang, now if there was only way to get the rest of what you need around there to get 'em flying. No pressure, take your time, we can wait until wednesday for a flight report. Too bad you probably can't find someone to video it for ya.


:face-palm:Should have known.:too-cool:
Ha ha! That 50cc has been going on strong for the past few years. DLE 55 is plenty, but I kind of want that little extra power like you get with the DA120s.

But going with the HV setup it should be lighter. I have two A123s for the rx. Plan on either going to one or two lipos. Either way it will be saving a lot of weight. Replacing the servos with Futaba BLS 157s.


My one flight I've gotten in so for this year on my heli isn't exactly making me an expert either.
I tried helis once... Could loop them fly them inverted....but just gave up and admitted I will never be good with a heli like I am with a plane...Would like to see top heli pilots go at it in FPV racing with the 250 size quads....