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The FAA just "went there" NOT GOOD. ALL RC Aircraft = REAL AIRCRAFT

Decal Dennis

Take away my airplanes and I'm going to have some BAD ASS DA120 powered boats on the lake!

Just a crappy cover-up comedy attempt to hide my level of PISSED OFF.

Yeah, but...........What happens if you hit a small wave and the boat becomes airborne? That will fall under the FAA runs then;)


Damn I'm hungry
How much do we have to endure? Another form of TAX guys and gals. And I only thought bankers were "creative" in generating revenue. Now "show me your papers"


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Here's what I have to say about all of this:

Come. And. Take. It.

I will not obey, I will not be oppressed, I will not be silenced. I am an AMERICAN citizen and I WILL NOT COMPLY!!! If any governing agency has a problem with that then they can come kiss my white American ass!

I am so sick and tired of everybody fighting to control everything. We just need to have American Revolution 2.0 already and get every single a*****e out of office fighting to control guns, model airplanes, toy cars, food choices, whatever. I was born and raised an American, and as an American, I will fight to the death to resist being controlled! Whatever happened to the American dream? Where you were free to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! These idiots in control need to realize something: There are more of us than them, and there are more and more people becoming outraged over it.

And here is where I will end my rant, before I start to get too deep into it. If you need me I'll be flying my toy airplanes and shooting my guns.


Damn I'm hungry
I just hope the AMA can take care of us.....shoot, I'd be willing to send them some extra money to help out with the cause if I knew it would really help.

The way these things typically pan out is that that "FED" will use existing infrastructure "AMA" to act as their "Henchmen".
So yea, were going to be sending more money to the "AMA" alright.


This is totally bogus with what they are doing. As pilots and rc enthusiasts we need to make sure we support the AMA more than ever. They are our voice and we need to make sure they hear us loud.
I have so much invested in my Hobby, lol. Id love to see them say sorry, you cant fly that. Better yet, Mr. You better land that plane. then they will see the kamikaze pilots landing on the SUV they will be driving.