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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Well I really hate taking off the wings and plugging in things at the field. That's one of the main reasons I got out of FPV, there's just too much to plug in at the field. I just want to get there, turn on the TX/plug in the aircraft battery pack and fly! :)

Get a heli then :)


70cc twin V2
Oh man I LOVE 3D helis... they're just too dang expensive for my budget! :(

Well my 41'' Edge is up for sale. $150 LPU. Considering I only paid $200 to set it up... that's not bad. That'll get me the airframe for the 48 Edge at least. But I'm still not sure if I want to do that... hmmm... I'll think about it more




70cc twin V2
Oh man I LOVE 3D helis... they're just too dang expensive for my budget! :(

Well my 41'' Edge is up for sale. $150 LPU. Considering I only paid $200 to set it up... that's not bad. That'll get me the airframe for the 48 Edge at least. But I'm still not sure if I want to do that... hmmm... I'll think about it more



A 450 size heli is no more expensive than a 48" airplane. :)

In fact, price wise:

450 heli = 48-5x"
500 = 30cc
550= Somewhere between 30cc and 50cc
600= 50cc
800=150cc or bigger
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70cc twin V2
I'm not going to fly a 450 at a local park either... that would be pretty unsafe..... :eek: I like foamies :)

We'll see... we'll see...




70cc twin V2
Yup. That thing could snap a small dog nearly right in half. :(

Hopefully you mean a very large park with little activity at least! :eek:




70cc twin V2
Yup. That thing could snap a small dog nearly right in half. :(

Hopefully you mean a very large park with little activity at least! :eek:



Baseball field in the local park. I only go there when I don't feel like driving to the field.

I think it could do much more to the dog, and humans for that matter :veryshocked:


70cc twin V2
Guys, is there anyway to get a few more of these threads onto the one page.

I'm transitioning across from RCG (had enough of getting warnings and points awarded against me) and I am finding the multiple categories and sub forums, although very neat, tends to make this forum feel a little asleep.

Unless you are actually in an active sub menu you can't see a lot of the new posts in each sub forum happen and I spend a fair bit of time wadding through menus seeing what is active and what is not.

I wonder if there is a way to get say, this thread and some others and all the airframe threads into the one section?


70cc twin V2
Baseball field in the local park. I only go there when I don't feel like driving to the field.

I think it could do much more to the dog, and humans for that matter :veryshocked:

Well ya.... just be safe. I trust that you are a good pilot. You've never had a cop or anybody ask what you're doing? Or think that this huge heli is unsafe? LOL!

