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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Damn I'm hungry
Rained early on this morning but may have a window later on BUT.....The "house" is haunted with plumbing issues and I'm off to the Depot so I can have hot water! Looks like all you guys having fun flying and trying to sling flight packs out and yes I use the Expander Pro in my Edge and Extra. In a hurry so I'll catch up later fellas.




Three of her warm ups at her state gymnastics meet.
@combat chicken If your out tomorrow well talk, If you dont have the servos yet the ones i have in the 72 are great for the money and you can use just a Sport Plus with no reg and have stupid fast servos hehehe its fun that way, Or @ChickenBalls can show you how we set his up with the Pin Flag on is original smart fly either way, Oh and disclaimer I had nothing to do with that 2nd set up that comes with the battery eject feature so Im interested in how he pulled that one off. HAHAHA
@emtp275 Yep I have 5645's so ready on the servo side. Thanks for the offer though. :)
Thanks@ChickenBalls @stangflyer and everyone else for the great advice. Looks like smartfly with lipo's is the way to go when you cross over into the 50cc range so time to do some shopping. Sorry to get off topic of flying but since the thread is about flying and I want to take the Ultimate up maybe not so off topic since I want that bird to survive the experience. :LOL_gif:
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