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The Happiness is thread


70cc twin V2
Happiness Is. Getting my house sold on Friday (3-6) before closing on new house(3-12). Then the couple coming back on 3-7 and buying all the furniture except one bedroom. Wifey wouldn't sell it she said we had to have something to put in house on Thursday while she looked for other rooms. Never sold a house as it sits before, but moving sure won't take long.
You should have seen it before I scattered it! lol
Yea, We got some big ones up here in the sandhills of N.C. My son who is training with some SF guys over at Ft Bragg told me that one of the SF selectees got too close to one and he was saying words that would make a sailor blush as he was ripping off his clothes trying to get to the buggers.:laughing:


Damn I'm hungry
Yea, We got some big ones up here in the sandhills of N.C. My son who is training with some SF guys over at Ft Bragg told me that of of the SF selectees got too close to one and he was saying words that would make a sailor blush as he was ripping off his clothes trying to get to the buggers.

Yes they are popping up this time of year. I walked the runway and counted no less than 24 spots where they are beginning a mound. They should have put down lime and boric acid before laying the insta-turf runway. But experts are there! so they can deal with it. lol I'm just a dangerous guy with dangerous planes! and should be monitored at all times.

My personal opinion....."if any of them had brains they would be lethal" lol
More Happiness! AWSOME WX here in SOCAL for a maiden,,, :)



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