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Inverza 33cc & Inverza 280

New build for me Inverza 33 with EVO33cc going to be a very nice one i think when it's ready,the quality is amazing.... blown away with it's finish and craftsmanship.
i'm looking forward to flying this one and finishing the build,i just got it for christmas along with it's smaller sibling the Inverza 280.

the 280 is a fantastic little plane,havn't had much of a chance to test it yet but i have one flight video,wasn't set up great so next time i'm hoping to broaden the envelope a little.



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First flights of the Inverza 280,great little plane,maiden flight and second flight,done them the day after i got the plane after christmas so i hadn't much time to set plane up,they were fast flights to test it really.

i'm hoping the next flight with this will be better and show more of the flight envelope.
also will update with the build of the large inverza and maiden ;)

maiden of inverza 280

second flight inverza 280

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Sorry for the lack of updates,well plenty of flight time going on with both planes from this end,the small inverza is awesome and the large one is just incredible,love them both,i think the EVO-33 is one hot little engine,my one seems to be on song now,i will share my NIGHTMARE maiden flight with the inverza 33 and the follow up flights. the maiden was a very tough flight because i was too bold and lazy to set and measure the throws and set rates,that and between building the plane and setting up my new DX9 it was probably a case of information overload a little at the time and i hadn't much time on my hands,anyway thank got it ended good at the time, second flight went great,and the follow up flights were all about tuning and getting the plane to run better.... i will let the video do the rest of the talking thanks.

sorry i didn't continue with updates here on the build,i was really busy.

Maiden Flight: Inverza-33


more flights,and better set up hehe....


getting tuned better.... fanatastic plane!

flies like it's on rails.


things can't always go smooth and this was a very close call for me!!


Our very latest video with the inverza -33


and a video of the 280....
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OMG I was laughing so hard at the maiden video! (because I've flown and watched people fly maidens like that, and they don't usually end well) I almost fell out of my chair...my first thought was "there is no way he is going to get that plane down in one piece!!!!" I am truly impressed you were able to land that thing at all...nicely done! I'll watch the other videos later, that maiden was enough for now...a great example of what not to do ;) Was the CG back a bit as well as the massive deflection of the control surfaces? I hope you played the lotto that day! :D
hi snowdog,

hahaha yeah i know what you mean,it was really silly of me not to take the time to set up the plane prior to the maiden and measure all the throws, (done for second flight)
i suppose i was too cocky,thought it wouldn't make a differnce to me,but WOW haha exactly what you said,it's WHAT NOT to do in any case for your first gas plane maiden hehe......
