I will, but it will be a while as i have to procure the funds. and I am spending most my time flying right now as come august I will not be flying again until may. thats when I leave to go away to college.
I hear you - no rush - it took me like 3 months to put my 57 back together again - life happens but the planes have a way of sticking around...good luck with the flying and then with the college courses thereafter.
Well I had a successful re-maiden today - a bit windy but the 57 took it in stride - little tough to land but it could be that I'm just not used to it yet. Kept it a mile high but will bring it down lower tomorrow.
Thanks! - I put a few more batteries threw her yesterday as well...really like the 57" - I'm still get her dialed in but, compared to my smaller birds this one is just about perfect for the windy conditions we constantly get at my home field. handles everything in stride...need to figure out how to land her as she's just a little bit more picky than most of my other planes, but maybe adding a mix might help...
Make sure you're flying her all the way to the ground Get on a good glide slope with a little power, fly it down, flare & go idle.