The pilot list is growing....
1. Ben Fisher
2. Noll Smith
3. Joe Smith
4. Wamsy
5. Mike Bivens
6. Santi8
7. Diggity24
8. Duane T.
9. Rotorjockey
10. Quadracer
11. Hugocraft
12. Gregory.da
14. P.B.
15. Randy Nickler and St. Catherine
16. UTJason
17. Komet163
18. ronelzy
19. wedoitall
20. Batmasterson and ollie
21. Roger Brown
22. TaildraggerRC
23. RCBirk
24. Bruce
25. Jackie Willard
26. kgalen
27. 3DeltaFly
28. mjhuck
29. Kevin Turner
30. Evan Turner
31. Rob Holmes
32. Craig Brooks
33. <<<---- Your Name Here...
Cool! What about SnowDog? I'm pretty sure he's gonna be there
I'll be doing more pics and videos than flying, but still really looking forward to the event.
It'll be my first time to House Mountain!