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20cc Pattern Plane for Practice


OK. I know this may be heresy, but I have a VVRC 20cc that needs a home. Have everything to build a MOJO 65, but really thinking about a nice practice plane to work on sequences without pulling out my bigger planes. I have a .40 size Utter Chaos that really flies well, but would like a gas version. It is surprising how well these pattern planes handle the wind and fly.

So.... I have started looking at old pattern plane plans to scratch out something for the 20cc. From you guys that have flown these, what do you recommend? I was looking at the Kaos 90 plans that are 25% scaled up from the 60 Kaos. It is a 73.5" wingspan. Or the Reaction (mid wing) with a 70" wingspan? Am I way off, or in the ball park?

Any thoughts? Thanks!!

Page 2 has the reaction. Page 4 has the 90 Kaos.


640cc Uber Pimp
I second the Mojo with a 20cc.


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If you build the mojo be careful with your wood selection. One guy I fly with has one that is close to 9lbs and another guy built one for his club president that was around 7-1/2lbs. At 9lbs a DLE 20 is really lacking for vertical and get out of trouble power.


alright, alright!! Mojo it is. Still interesterd in scratching out a pattern plane though.
Thanks Chris on the heads up on the wood. Will pay close attention. I suppose a build thread would be in order?