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IMAC The new Dalton 300 SP / 330

Well, I was real lucky, both of my stabs fit on the fuselage sides perfectly!! I will still recheck this when the time comes. Meaning, after the fuselage sides are glued on.

I want to make the stab root caps, in such a way, that, i can screw them onto the tail fuselage sides, and it appears, that Tony may have wanted this as well, since the tail area, has an area for this, which I will take advantage of. This means, I will not have to use the plastic L brackets.

this 1st pic, you can see, there are two areas, that Jut down, and I can drill into this, after I set the incidence, and place a blind nut behind it to allow stab removal.

I used the foam stab, and made a template of the profile of the root of the stab.

I am using this 1/8" aircraft plywood to make the stab root caps.




this is the 1st rough draft:

trial fitting, looking good. You can see where I can drill a hole in each "tab".

final product:
I contacted Tony about this years ago and I think he recommended something like a 98" bench. Now @orthobird would be better to confirm what length you need. If you're a little short you can always get a nice piece of wood that's consistent like MDF or cabinet grade plywood ($$$) and then use that for a flat surface for sheeting the fuse sides. Since just some of the tail and the motorbox wouldn't be supported by main bench under this piece of wood, you should be OK as long as the weight for the fuse structure is kept 98% on the main bench.
I got a great idea for the battery tray.

I have manufactured two 1/8" light plywood bases for the battery mounts Tony will be making:

as you can see, I have drilled 8 holes on each one. I will install 8 (4-40) blind nuts, and these plates will be glued onto the 3 cross beams.

I will have the option of moving the battery base forward or back, this can help shift the CG for fine tuning.
I'm on fifth Dalton,and the first four was built on a solid core door,8ft by 30ins and it worked fine, I'm om my 5th Dalton,I finally had a table built.

Hello, so your door is 96" length. That is more than plenty I believe. Lucky you, you had great room!
I wanted to get the table that was longer also, but way much more expensive. SO i had to settle for 86" or so.

What is the length of your new table?

Keith Rush

New to GSN!

Finally was able to get logged in (my fault ) to post. Have to say love the look of the changes Tony has made. You have another excellent build going on.
