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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

So stabs and wings RTF, and got the fuse on the gear:


Joe Hunt

I rather like the stock tail wheels. If I can't break them on my rudder dragging and harrier landings, then I am thinking they are juusssst fine. LOL. Looks really great Joe. I do like that scheme.:yesss:

Bet you're getting excited to see how this animal behaves huh?

Yes, very much! My buddies at the flying field (all easily impressed, you see, hehe) say "you fly freestyle pretty good with those IMAC planes, I wonder what you can do with a freestyle plane?" I wonder myself. haha I have a new maneuver, I'm hoping the plane does it well! :sneaky:

Joe Hunt

Hey Joe, have you ever thought of trying one of the 3W twin spark motors?

Hi Ben! For some reason I haven't. I've known about them all along, and could have tried one easy enough. OTOH, I always wanted to fly a 212, and now I want to fly a DA-200. I want to try a ZDZ-180, too. But, I never got an itch to try a spin spark. All I know about them is what I've read, which is just that they have a little more power. What are your thoughts on the subject?