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IMAC open Italian Cup 2016


Xtreme by DeFinition !
Hi guys

I had the privilege to participate in the Italian Cup this past week.

The site was awesome with plenty of space to do two flight lines during the contest. Located 30 minutes from Venice and about 5 minutes from the Sea.
45 pilots participate in the contest from Sportsman to Unlimited.
For me it was a very good chance to fly in the unlimited class and to gain more practice and experience before the IMAC worlds and to fly with some of the best in EU.

I've borrowed Tom Davis from the UK, Carden 118" to fly the routine, I did fly this plane before when I came to the UK a year ago to try for the first time the Unlimited class.
We've practiced a day before the contest to see the planes characteristics and try to make some inputs to the transmitter. It's a very good plane that flys like ...well...a Carden. Back home I fly the Krill LX.

The contest was for 3 days.
We flew 3 knowns on the first day, Friday there was a very thick mist so we've delayed the flights and scheduled them just to 1030.
On Saturday we flew 2 more Knowns and 1 Unknown and a Freestyle.
Sunday we flew 1 Freestyle and then because of a thunderstorm only the Unlimited flew their unknown.
Very busy 3 days with total of 9 flights.
5 knowns(2 were dropped)
2 unknown (1 was dropped)
2 freestyle (1 was dropped)

Manrico did a very good job organizing this contest including all the vendors and sponsors. It's not an obvious thing, IMAC is a new thing in Italy and organizing such an event is something to be proud of.
Next year I sure hope more pilots will come, maybe from the states who knows.

Thanks again for all guys, you really make the slogan "IMAC it's all about friends" come true. A lot of great memories with the IMAC UK guys no doubt ! Some will be written in the books especially with Brian and Phill.

Here are some pictures I took.

Next year USA NATs 2017 ... I miss you guys !

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