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3D Gorilla Glue


I'm putting together a EF 104" Extra and was wondering what prep was involved in using the white gorilla glue to do the hinges? If its a good idea or if I should just do epoxy?

Thanks for the help



I personally think the white may be too fast? I have used gorilla glue in the past and it worked well for me, but poly is expanding and can be very messy! I made sure the wholes were clean, dry fit all hinges first(to ensure you get gap required), then prepped hinges with sand paper, used vasoline on the hinge joint to keep glue from sticking, taped up then coated the surfaces with vasoline just incase of expansion you don't get wiped off, then used a Qtip with water in the hinge whole for moisture, and a surrenge to get glue in the whole, and to not over apply the glue, Then stuck hinges in place and both surfaces together, kept watch on ooze to clean off. let set overnight, pick off any oozing dry glue missed, untape and clean up. Move surfaces to make sure you got everything right for no bind.


640cc Uber Pimp
The whole trick with using the quick poly glue for hinging is to NOT use moisture or water in any way. It cures fine with the moisture in the air and expands plenty enough for hinging. I use a mix of poly and epoxy depending on the project. If the holes are not TIGHT.....if the hinge has any slop in the hole at all or if you are re-hinging I would say DO NOT use poly. If the hinge holes are neat and snug poly works well.

One nice thing with poly is that you do not have to lube the hinges, the poly is not thin enough to get in there and cause any troubles, it is always a good idea to scuff the hinges though (although I am guilty of rarely doing this myself).


The whole trick with using the quick poly glue for hinging is to NOT use moisture or water in any way. It cures fine with the moisture in the air and expands plenty enough for hinging.

That would depend on where you live. While in Vegas, I used a spritz of water. Nothing extreme. I simply waited about 20mins and wiped excess off and then you are normally good to go with setting it overnight. Really though, I've used epoxy, poly, hysol.....just depends what I have on hand at the time of a build and the size of the hole. Larger holes always got poly


Do you apply the glue to the hinge or in the hole or both like epoxy?

I think it was one of your build threads (Terryscustom) I was looking at that showed using the Gorilla Glue but I cant find it now.



GSN Contributor
Put the glue in the hole. The small bottles of white have a tip that was made for robart hinge holes. Fits perfectly around the hole and makes it super simple to get glue in there.


640cc Uber Pimp
That would depend on where you live. While in Vegas, I used a spritz of water. Nothing extreme.
You are correct. In winter in my shop with radiant heat the humidity is about 20-25% depending on the day. I have used water, but when it is 30% or more I find water just makes it go too fast. I still have yet to try Hysol, I'll have to try that sometime.

Do you apply the glue to the hinge or in the hole or both like epoxy?
I think it was one of your build threads (Terryscustom) I was looking at that showed using the Gorilla Glue but I cant find it now.
I always put some in the hole and a little on the hinge as well.
This is probably the one here on GSN that you are thinking of: http://www.giantscalenews.com/threads/pau-30-sukhoi-su-26-arf-50-60cc.378/page-3#post-10775


70cc twin V2
I would imagine that if you had to replace a hinge , it would be much easier to remove a hinge that was installed using Gorilla glue than a hinge that was installed using Hysol


Loctite 9462 hysol or something like that. It used to be mainly a jet thing years ago. Works great for wood against fiberglass fuses. Its a 2 part mixture epoxy type material that when mixed is thick white. Dry time is overnight. It is strong stuff.

Honestly they make like a jillion different versions and I have to look at my old orders or the tube to remember what to buy.


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