I like 'em "BIG"!
Hello everyone.... I originally started this in my recovering/restoration thread for the 330. However it seems not everyone is or has been able to follow along. So I would like to extend the offer to "ALL" Giant Scale News members and encourage them to climb on board with this thread. I am hoping it will include as many GSN members as possible. I am also hoping it will be a lot of fun for everyone.
The Facts: I acquired this 40% Pilot 330 for really cheap and figured, "Ah, what the heck"? I can do yet another recover job. I've done a few in the past and been pleased with how they have turned out so doing another 40' center doesn't bother me.
The Desire: I have been wanting a 330 for quite some time as I have heard and noticed that they seem to fly really well. After flying my original SD 260 for the last five years, it is hard to imagine that any Extra (or any Pilot RC) would fly any less amazing.
The Fun: Since recovering my 260 and my Behemoth Yak (1), then doing a 26% Jtec Pitts in an original scheme, not to mention so many others that I have covered in the past...I am just plum out of ideas. So this is where the fun for all you fellas comes in.
The Contest: Thanks to Mike of @pawnshopmike, He and I have collaborated to offer all GSN members to help me out with a new scheme for the 330. I am not too fond of the scheme that is on the 330 at present and would really like to have something quite different than everyone else that owns a Pilot RC 330SC. So here is your chance to win a $100.00 gift certificate to @pawnshopmike 's fine hobby establishment.
The Rules: Anyone is welcomed and encouraged to enter. You may enter as many times as you like. All you have to do is locate a completely different, unique and classy scheme. It may be from a full scale or a 330. Or actually from any airframe for that matter. Edge, Yak, Sbach, Sukhoi, etc. It can also be from an RC airframe, as long as it is not widely used and is unique. You may reply/respond with as many photos as you like. It would be great if there were three views. Top, bottom and side. This would give a complete picture of the scheme on all surfaces. The winning scheme will get the $100.00 gift certificate to use as you like.
All previous photos posted from members to the original thread will be considered. There are a couple already posted I really like. All photos or entries can not be a duplicate of a previous members post. Also, lets use your creativity and imagination. Design your own scheme in drawings or CAD or whatever. The scheme does not have to be already designed. In fact, I would prefer a "ONE OFF" one of a kind scheme. The classier and more unique it is, the more likely the chance I will use it on the 330. One hint: I like clean, crisp, classy. I do not particularly care for checkers. That is the only requirement.
That's it. Pretty simple right? Find or design a bad ass classy scheme for my 330 and win a $100.00 gift certificate to @pawnshopmike 's.
Lets have some fun with this.
And now....the plane:

The Facts: I acquired this 40% Pilot 330 for really cheap and figured, "Ah, what the heck"? I can do yet another recover job. I've done a few in the past and been pleased with how they have turned out so doing another 40' center doesn't bother me.
The Desire: I have been wanting a 330 for quite some time as I have heard and noticed that they seem to fly really well. After flying my original SD 260 for the last five years, it is hard to imagine that any Extra (or any Pilot RC) would fly any less amazing.
The Fun: Since recovering my 260 and my Behemoth Yak (1), then doing a 26% Jtec Pitts in an original scheme, not to mention so many others that I have covered in the past...I am just plum out of ideas. So this is where the fun for all you fellas comes in.
The Contest: Thanks to Mike of @pawnshopmike, He and I have collaborated to offer all GSN members to help me out with a new scheme for the 330. I am not too fond of the scheme that is on the 330 at present and would really like to have something quite different than everyone else that owns a Pilot RC 330SC. So here is your chance to win a $100.00 gift certificate to @pawnshopmike 's fine hobby establishment.
The Rules: Anyone is welcomed and encouraged to enter. You may enter as many times as you like. All you have to do is locate a completely different, unique and classy scheme. It may be from a full scale or a 330. Or actually from any airframe for that matter. Edge, Yak, Sbach, Sukhoi, etc. It can also be from an RC airframe, as long as it is not widely used and is unique. You may reply/respond with as many photos as you like. It would be great if there were three views. Top, bottom and side. This would give a complete picture of the scheme on all surfaces. The winning scheme will get the $100.00 gift certificate to use as you like.
All previous photos posted from members to the original thread will be considered. There are a couple already posted I really like. All photos or entries can not be a duplicate of a previous members post. Also, lets use your creativity and imagination. Design your own scheme in drawings or CAD or whatever. The scheme does not have to be already designed. In fact, I would prefer a "ONE OFF" one of a kind scheme. The classier and more unique it is, the more likely the chance I will use it on the 330. One hint: I like clean, crisp, classy. I do not particularly care for checkers. That is the only requirement.
That's it. Pretty simple right? Find or design a bad ass classy scheme for my 330 and win a $100.00 gift certificate to @pawnshopmike 's.
Lets have some fun with this.
And now....the plane:

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