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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Awesome you two!

Bring him down for a weekend. i will clean up my language and antics.

whoops, i said that to eric too. oh well i'd try.

Did he like flying? I bet that kid loves you guys! Rightfully so.

He was excited when Terry showed him how to do a loop! We were walking back and he asked me so how many loops did I do? Well you did 4 and had 2 rolls. Also you flew inverted too! He says that was an accident I was trying to turn around! At least he's honest and now he has his story straight!


70cc twin V2
I posted a couple weeks ago about the little boy and his dad and grandfather that came out and he flew his little parkzone Corsair. Friday and Saturday our club had a giant scale fun-fly kinda deal. We had a pretty good turnout I think 17 or so pilots with one being the boy and his dad. He showed up with the same smile and enthusiasm as last time like he never quit smiling. This time he flew his corsair but there were two others just like his so the three of them flew together. I think it's safe to say he had a great time. All his flights were successful and he flew great. He's very polite, calls everyone sir, it's refreshing to see a kid out flying a plane rather than sitting around playing video games.